Do you ever feel like things just aren't clicking for you?
You’ve read the self-help books. You’ve taken the personality tests and poured over the results. You thought you had it all figured out. But something just feels off. Things feel hard and you aren’t happy where you are.
Becky & I know what that’s like. We built the lives we thought we wanted and when we “arrived,” it wasn’t what we expected. It didn’t bring us happiness. There had to be another way.
Good news, friend. There is ALWAYS another way.
It’s never too late to change course. Sometimes we just need someone to point us in the right direction. Someone to show us a new way to look at the problem. I'm here to help!
Allow me to introduce you Human Design...
Human Design is a revolutionary personality assessment tool created in the 1980s by Ra Uru Hu. It synthesizes aspects of the ancient esoteric modalities of Chinese iChing, Judaic Kabbalah, Hindu Chakra System, and Astrology.
Rather than answering a series of questions like a traditional personality test, you only need your date, time and location of birth to receive your Human Design chart.
One of the best things about Human Design is it's all encompassing. Whatever insights you are seeking are available to you, whether that be career, relationships, parenting, wellness, or something else. Some of the insights you'll gain from learning about your Human Design include:
- Your most natural way of being and doing
- Decision-making in a way that's best for you
- Navigating your emotional energy
- Your purpose and ways to live into it fully
- Your special gifts and talents you are here to share with the world
In our 1x1 session, I'll have plenty of information for you to take in about the system and your design. We'll also discuss whatever is coming up for you right now and how that theme may show up in your chart.
When you join me for a Human Design Assessment & Coaching session, you'll get:
- 1, 30 or 75 minute, 1x1 session with Jill
- A recording of the session
- Your Human Design chart and a customized report (75 min session only)
- A new, empowered perspective through which to see yourself and the world around you
- And a guide who sees how truly fabulous you are!
When I share your chart with you, you can expect to feel validated in your lived experience. You'll feel more self-acceptance for who and how you are. And, if you're like most clients, you'll walk away feeling empowered to show up more authentically than ever.
And that right there is the magic!
Hi! I'm Jill Robinson
And I'll be your guide on this part of your journey. I'm a coach and business consultant focused on enhancing the human experience of those around me. In my work, I seek to assist clients in coming to an awareness of new possible paths and ways of being. My mission is to shepherd individuals and communities through portals of change towards more soul aligned paths. My gift lies in my ability to help others find their own power as creators and see the practical steps needed to make change.
I can't wait to work with you!
Still thinking about whether Human Design is for you? Keep reading...
Human Design is probably the most effective self-awareness tool out there right now. (Okay, I know, I'm biased!) I've tried a lot of tools and taken a lot of tests to deepen my understanding of myself and how I show up in the world. None of those have done what Human Design has done for me.
Human Design is practical. It's a system. You can learn about your chart for funsies if you want, but the insights are meant to be put into practice in the real world. And there are instructions for doing so.
It's also super empowering! People who learn about their design often experience a shift in their perspective about themselves and what they have to offer the world. They begin to lean in on what's great about them and feel more comfortable showing up authentically.
Human Design is a tool with so much to offer...if you are open to it.
Maybe there are some preconceived notions about what counts as "legitimate" or "real." In the Western world, we are heavily tilted towards logic and reasoning. If science can't prove it, then we're told it's not true or valid. (BTW there is a lot science doesn’t understand and can’t prove…yet.) But we don't need to prove anything about Human Design.
This is about your own self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love.
I like to think of the Human Design chart ias a treasure map, guiding us to the nuggets of wisdom that live within each of us. It's true that Human Design is a system that comes with it's own explanations and interpretations. But you decide what's true for you and what, if anything, you want to do about your new insights.
You are the expert on you.
I’m just here to present some new perspectives and ideas you can take or leave.
If you're looking for something that can help you better understand who you are, how you operate, and support you in finding your authentic expression, Human Design is for you.
I'd really love to share this system with you! Are you ready?
You've got questions? We've got answers!
Is the Human Design session in person or virtual?
All appointments are virtual and conducted via Zoom. Sessions will be recorded by you or me for your future use.
How do I schedule my appointment?
Upon purchasing the Human Design Assessment & Coaching session, you'll be sent to a Thank You page. Click on the underlined text to be redirected to the Soul Aligned Sisters acuity calendar where you will complete an intake form and schedule your zoom appointment.
How do I know if this is the right program for me?
Let's chat about it! We'd be happy to meet with you for a free, 30 minute consultation to help you determined if Soul Aligned Sisters, and the Human Design Assessment & Coaching session are the right fit for you. Click on the Discovery Session button below to schedule a chat!