Are you considering making a career change?

Maybe you're thinking about leaving your job and finding something new. Perhaps you are being forced to do so. Either way, change can be scary. But the good news is, you don't have to do it alone!

I've been there. Throughout my career, I've made plenty of changes. I've changed roles, companies, and industries. I left the corporate world in 2019 to carve my own path. It hasn't always been easy, but I've learned a lot along the way.

I want to share what I know with you as you navigate this time of transition in your career journey. It's one way I serve in the world.

In True North, an individual coaching program, you'll receive:
  1. 3, 60 minute, 1x1 coaching sessions with Jill
  2. 1, 30 minute interview prep or difficult conversation coaching session with Becky
  3. A review and revamp of your resume
  4. Job posting alignment evaluations
  5. Free access to the SAS course OCR Your Work

And, before we get started, we will take some time to align on goals for this program so we can custom tailor it to your needs.

You have some choices to make about how you move into your next gig. You could opt to find the same position at a new company, or move into a new position at your existing company. Or...

You could take advantage of this moment of pause in your career journey and recalibrate.

You could choose to reconsider what is possible for you and what work experience you want for yourself. You could dial into what really lights you up about work, and go about trying to find aligned positions.

In other words, you could keep doing what you've always done. Or you could flip the script on it.

True North is perfect for you if you want to overhaul your work and find something that feels better for you. This program will help you remember your natural talents and gifts so you can lean in and find work that capitalizes on them.

While all SAS coaching programs are customized to you, the True North program curriculum will include:

  • Reviewing your Human Design Chart to set the stage for identifying aligned work
  • Confronting conditioning that may be keeping your options limited
  • Discussing ideal work environments and analyzing job positions
  • Visioning what you want for your future
  • Taking what you've discovered and applying it to your job search process

True North is designed to return you to the drawing board and reassess what work is right for you right now. There's no better moment than the precipice of change to think about what you truly want before you step forward.

Be ready, though! When you work with us in this program, what you thought you wanted may change. You might find yourself believing that you can find a role that really honors what you want to share with the world. You deserve nothing less!

Wondering what to expect in the True North program?

First and foremost, you should know that all of our coaching programs are customizable to you. Generally, we'll follow the themes for each session outlined below, but you'll always have the option to switch it up so we cover content that's most relevant to you right now.

Coaching Session 1

In our first 60 minute session together, we'll focus on understanding some themes in your Human Design chart. We'll chat about your most natural way of being and doing, how to make aligned decisions, and the special gifts and talents you have to share with the world.

Coaching Session 2

In our second session, we'll start to dig into what you believe is possible for you. We'll chat about how you define success, how you best contribute, and any beliefs that may limit you. This session serves to open up the realm of possibilities for aligned work.

Coaching Session 3

In our third session, we'll discuss what type of work environments might be best for you and evaluate potential job postings for alignment. You'll consider how to find work that better uses all the skills and talents you have to offer.

Coaching with Becky

In this 30 minute session is designed to support you in making changes right now. You'll choose either an interview prep session or a difficult conversations session, depending on what's most relevant for you right now.

Resume Revamp

In addition to live coaching, we'll review and revamp your resume to help you stand out from all the other applicants. We'll work with you to make sure it matches your unique skill set for the kind of work you want to do.

You've got questions? We've got answers!

This program includes Human Design. What's that?

Human Design is a revolutionary personality assessment tool created in the 1980s by Ra Uru Hu. It synthesizes aspects of the ancient esoteric modalities of Chinese iChing, Judaic Kabbalah, Hindu Chakra System, and Astrology. Rather than answering a series of questions, you only need your date, time and location of birth to receive your Human Design chart. The resulting chart provides you with a lot of information to help you live in a way that is natural to your energetic blueprint. Some of the insights you can gain from Human Design include:

  • What work style is best for you
  • How you can best make decisions
  • Which personality traits are your strengths
  • Insights into your purpose
  • Understanding about how to improve your relationships and communication
  • Trip wires that may keep you from living authentically
  • Awareness around repeating behaviors or patterns

Using your Human Design chart as a guide for our conversations and contemplations in this program helps us to go deep quickly. But it's just one tool in my tool box! You are always the expert on you so if some of the themes in your chart don't resonate for you, that's okay! But for most clients, their chart simply confirms what they already know to be true about themselves. There's no pressure here - but why not give it a try and see what it has to offer you?

Are coaching appointments in person or virtual?

All appointments are virtual and conducted via Zoom. Sessions will be recorded by you or me for your future use.

How do I schedule my first appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive a link on the "Thank You" page to schedule your first appointment - a 30 minute program alignment conversation (Discovery Call.) You will be redirected to the Soul Aligned Sisters acuity calendar where you will complete an intake form and schedule your zoom appointment.

How do I know if this is the right program for me?

Let's chat about it! We'd be happy to meet with you for a free, 30 minute consultation to help you determined if Soul Aligned Sisters, and True North are the right fit for you. Click on the Discovery Session button below to schedule a chat!

Ready to find your career True North? Let's get started!

Select the pricing option that works best for you.

Note: We aim to make all SAS services financially accessible. If the cost of this program is out of your reach, please send us a note to learn about sliding scale pricing and offers for those with unexpected job loss.