We, at Soul Aligned Sisters, are on a mission to help people feel more comfortable showing up authentically.

Human Design is a powerful tool that that gives you insights into your most natural way of being in the world. It shares with you your gifts, life themes, and purpose.

When you learn about your Human Design, you start to see where you are living out the expectations of others, or changing yourself to "fit in." While it may work for a time, being something you're not is not sustainable.

You came here to be YOU and we NEED you to be you!

Human Design 101 will give you insights into your own unique Human Design chart and how you can best use your energy, gifts and talents. You'll also learn how to best make decisions and create a life that's aligned for you.

But this course is about more than just you.

It's also about the people around you. Not only will you learn about how you operate best, you'll also learn how other people operate according to the Human Design system. You'll learn how to honor yourself and those you are in relationship with.

When you know yourself better, you'll understand others better, too. Greater understanding leads to greater self-compassion and compassion for others, something we need now more than ever.

Hi! I'm Jill Robinson

And I'll be your guide on this part of your journey. I'm a certified Human Design coach and business consultant focused on enhancing the human experience of those around me. In my work, I seek to assist clients in coming to an awareness of new possible paths and ways of being. My mission is to shepherd individuals and communities through portals of change towards more soul aligned paths. My gift lies in my ability to help others find their own power as creators and see the practical steps needed to make change.

I can't wait to work with you!

Human Design 101 is for you if:

  • You are curious about Human Design and want to learn the basics of your unique design
  • You want to better understand your loved ones and how they are uniquely designed to operate
  • You want to learn in a community setting where you can hear how Human Design shows up in lived experiences
  • You are considering adding Human Design to your coaching or wellness offerings

In this course, we'll go through the 5 Human Design Types, Strategies & Authorities, and Profiles. The content will be spread out over 3 consecutive weeks, allowing for integration time. In each one hour class, we'll learn together through presentations, reflections and storytelling. You'll have the chance to ask questions about your chart and hear how others understand their charts.

When you sign up for Human Design 101, you will receive:

  1. Your Human Design chart and the charts of any loved ones (consent strongly encouraged)
  2. Copies of class presentations, a course workbook, and other supporting materials
  3. Recordings of each live class
  4. A greater understanding of yourself and others
  5. And a guide who knows how amazing you are!

Human Design 101 begins on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 7pm EST on Zoom.

From the time we are children, we learn to conform to the expectations of others. And we also place expectations on the people we're connected to. Maybe those expectations work sometimes. But often they end up stealing our power and making us small.

Human Design gives you the chance to step back into your power and live the life you want for yourself. As you learn to be more yourself, you give that permission to the people around you, too.

So come join us, and bring a friend or partner, and learn together!

You'll walk away feeling more empowered then ever to be your authentic self!

Choose a Pricing Option

Note: We aim to make all SAS services financially accessible. If the cost of this program is out of your reach, please send us a note to learn about sliding scale pricing.

You've got questions? We've got answers!

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a revolutionary personality assessment tool created in the 1980s by Ra Uru Hu. It synthesizes aspects of the ancient esoteric modalities of Chinese iChing, Judaic Kabbalah, Hindu Chakra System, and Astrology. Rather than answering a series of questions, you only need your date, time and location of birth to receive your Human Design chart. The resulting chart provides you with a lot of information to help you live in a way that is natural to your energetic blueprint. Some of the insights you can gain from Human Design include:

  • What work style is best for you
  • How you can best make decisions
  • Which personality traits are your strengths
  • Insights into your purpose
  • Understanding about how to improve your relationships and communication
  • Trip wires that may keep you from living authentically
  • Awareness around repeating behaviors or patterns

Using your Human Design chart as a guide for our conversations and contemplations in this program helps us to go deep quickly. But it's just one tool in my tool box! You are always the expert on you so if some of the themes in your chart don't resonate for you, that's okay! But for most clients, their chart simply confirms what they already know to be true about themselves. There's no pressure here - but why not give it a try and see what it has to offer you?

When does this course start?

The live sessions for this course will take place on:

  • Tuesday, February 13, 2024
  • Tuesday, February 20, 2024
  • Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The live classes are scheduled for 7pm-8pm EST on Zoom.

What if I can't make it live?

No problem! Each class will be recorded and uploaded here in teachable on the course page.

When topics are covered in this course?

We'll discuss Human Design Types, Strategies, Authorities and Profiles. Plus any other questions that come up through conversation! You'll get a copy of your Human Design chart, and one for any loved one you are interested in learning about, too, before the course begins.

How do I know if this is the right program for me?

Let's chat about it! We'd be happy to meet with you for a free, 30 minute consultation to help you determined if Soul Aligned Sisters, and Human Design 101 are the right fit for you. Click on the Discovery Session button below to schedule a chat!